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C05Worldwide Launch
SCR-Full-controlled rectifier and SCR half-bridge series inverter are utilized in our system. The entire smelting cycle can achieve a very high power factor with reduced upper harmonics. The operation is simple and user-friendly, featuring a clear man-machine interface that enables automatic smelting.

Our system also supports signal output and multi-track capabilities. By matching it with a molding line, you can achieve high casting efficiency. In addition, our system utilizes high-purity oxygen-free copper winding coils that are slurry potted, resulting in low losses and a high-strength magnetic yoke.

For IGBT, we employ either a half-bridge or full-bridge series inverter, incorporating top-of-the-line international IGBT devices that offer low losses and high controllability. Our system utilizes a special driving core to ensure the reliable protection of IGBT devices while minimizing switching losses.